Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well Hi there!

I was visiting the site "Shit My Kids" today and got to thinking (and that can lead to SoooOOooo many tangents my friends!).  For years, I think I have worked on the same thirty pages of my book called, surprisingly "Why Can't That Mother Control Her Child?".  Considering that I never have more than about two minutes to myself on any given day, I figured that I would use them to start a blog.  So, here I am!  Looking at the pictures at had me laughing, actually regretting that I don't have a complete photo album of the extensive damage (the kids call it "artwork" and "remodeling" for some reason) done to my home over the years as well as the damage to my nerves and psyche. 

I put some thought into whether I wanted to be public or private and well, in this day and age, at least for now, I'm going to remain somewhat private.  I will pretty much refer to myself in the third person, hopefully not annoyingly so as "The Mom".  I have three children:  M, is 22 and she is as complicated as I, so I'll probably need to create some sort of series to introduce my children, kind of like how National Geographic does when profiling a new species.  A, is 13 and is the mental health firecracker of the household.  He's OCD, ADHD, ASD and BPD.  Yes, he's a walking acronym.  Most of my paper clutter is related to him.  S is 6.  She's a Princess Diva Fashionista and will sashay her way out of the room at the first mention that you refuse to buy her a new purse.  She is the six year old purse version of Imelda Marcos.  I share the blame but darnit, all those little purses are just so cute.

I am married for I think about 11 years.  I have this vague recollection of three nights in the Poconos drinking mimosas in bed naked after some stranger came in and put a tray on my (covered) lap.  I think I actually slept in until seven A.M and went out at night.  I had a pool (yes a pool) in my room and if I could have afforded to buy that room I would have. However, $300 a night is just not in my long-term budget, so that's out.  So, I'm on the East Coast, in a house that's WAY too small for all of us, making a go of things.

So here I am ready to post about Mom, Dad (or sometimes "R" as the mood strikes), M, A and S.  S also has ADHD and Developmental Delays and mild ASD, so the main purpose of this blog is to shed some enlightenment on what all these letters stand for and how each of them affects all of our lives.  I also want to shout from the highest mountaintop that it's OK to laugh.  So many times, we all tiptoe around these topics, believing that nothing could ever be funny about Autism and other issues and I believe we're wrong to think that way.  If I didn't laugh, I would have lost it a LONG time ago.  So I hope you will go along with me on my journey, my rants and raves, my amazement at my children, the resilience of my marriage and the unexpected regeneration of the last nerve in my body, which someone hangs on through all this.