Monday, October 11, 2010

It Was a Dark and Germy Night

Remember all those times when you would say to whatever deity that you speak to, "Please, just make them stop talking...just so I can hear this program/read this chapter/make this call".  Well, it can happen, but there is a price and the price involves gallons of orange juice, doctors, money you don't have and an inconceivable amount of tissues and laundry.  I give you, "The Common Cold".

At press time (ten minutes after they go to bed and the silence descends) I am about 60% certain that A. has a cold.  That 60% involved giving him a Benedryl, so I'm pretty sure.  It wasn't the typical 13 year old with a runny nose and wiping it all over his clothes and blanket.  This was the typical 13 year old with a REALLY uncontrollable runny nose and wiping it all over his clothes and blanket.  The first thing my mind thought of was Zicam.  Do I have enough and where is it? OJ?  Check.  Children's Motrin?  Check.  Loaner copy of Halo Reach?  Check. 

I will go to sleep early this evening, knowing that not only will I spend a good part of my morning trying to decide if he will go to school (A. has bad allergies and it's really hard to tell sometimes) and also making of list of all the things I'll need before the germ, that is most certainly seeking safe harbor in my sinuses at this point, yells "CHARGE!"  I actually hope I'm wrong, but don't tell my husband I said that (I don't want to give him any ideas).  Be well.

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